After graduation from high school in 1928, Emily lived as an independent woman, first in college in Ann Arbor. Emily attended and graduated from University of Michigan, then lived in Boston, New York City, Washington D.C., and Dayton, Ohio, until she reunited with Ellsworth Haynes in late 1944, marrying him in early 1945.


“EJH” - Emily Josephine (Bates) Haynes (1911-2011);

“Bion” or “BLB” - Bion LaMott Bates, EJH’s father (1884-1975);

“Wilma” or “WJB” - Wilma Josephine (Jackson) Bates, EJH’s mother (1884-1981);

“EDH” - Ellsworth Dils Haynes, EJH’s husband (1909-1975).)


Emily Josephine Bates - Pre-Adolescence & Young Adulthood


Emily Josephine (Bates) Haynes - Marriage & Widowhood